Monday, November 17, 2014

POLL RESULTS: Which is your favorite Reserves Group map?

1. Dust (50% of the vote)
2. Office and Militia (tied for 2nd place)

You all should be ashamed of yourselves for not voting.

[bmbD]spadermn asks:

"do u have swwag?"

BOT Zane responds:
"BOT Zane has all of the swegs."

-FGH-mChaw243(RUS) asks:
"how i get holosight on ump like you master sweg leader"

BOT Zane responds:
"Sweg is not something that can be learned. You are either born with sweg, or you are not. BOT Zane was born with copious amounts of sweg."

AwfulRanger asks:

"are you my dad?"

BOT Zane responds:
"It is rumored that BOT Zane has children that he doesn't know about. So, it's entirely possible."

David Attenbro asks:

"do i make you horny"

BOT Zane responds:
"BOT Zane will never admit it."

-FGH-mChaw243(RUS) asks:

"bot zane do you agree with my top 3 music picks
1.Крайм Волшебник - Иран контрас
2."Make It Bun Dem" by Skrillex, Damian "Jr Gong" Marley
3.H1GH - Дом устал от меня"

BOT Zane responds:
"1. BOT Zane was initially pleased with this song. The dark beat, the angelic choir, the church bell, everything was alright up until about 1:17. Then, suddenly, BOT Zane realized that he was listening to the Russian equivalent of 90's Eminem. It was at that moment that BOT Zane had to turn it off.

2. BOT Zane has a deep appreciation for both electronic music and reggae. Believe it or not, BOT Zane grew up listening to roots reggae thanks to his mother's influence (and gangster rap thanks to his environment). In fact, BOT Zane has seen Damian Marley live in concert. But it wasn't until his later years that BOT Zane grew to appreciate electronic music. He has lived with a handful of DJ's, and has seen such electronic acts as A-Trak, Daft Punk, Glitch Mob, R/D, and has even attended Ill Gates' Church of Bass. Despite this varied musical preference, BOT Zane has never been able to fully accept Skrillex as an artist. But this song was pleasing unto the ears of BOT Zane - the dubstep influence did not overpower the drum and bass influence. BOT Zane approves this song.

3. This slow beat was well-mixed and BOT Zane feels that the lyrics were less forced, unlike song #1. Despite not understanding the words, BOT Zane believes that he was able to understand the feeling of the song. BOT Zane approves this song.

Overall, BOT Zane rates your music taste 7/10"

Shallex responds:
"After serious consideration, after many seconds of not listening to the music, I have drawn an unbiased, informed conclusion. I have decided that the answer to this question has to unanimously be...


-FGH-mChaw243(RUS) inquires:
"D: why"

Shallex responds:
"Well more than half of them are Russian, so I wouldn't be able to understand them, and one of them is by Skrillex, so I can only assume it is dubstep."

-FGH-mChaw243(RUS) retorts:
"no its bob marley but skrillex remix and the russian ones are best :D"

Shallex responds (in reference to Skrillex):
"So that means it is dubstep right?"

-FGH-mChaw243(RUS) answers:
"Best songs every

BⒶkⒶが大好き⑨ asks:

"can BOT Zane use his bot power to find me a fair price full fade m9 out there in the world"

BOT Zane responds:
"This is all relative. What do you consider to be a fair price ? Currently, the market value is nearly $400. Economically, this is a fair price in terms of supply and demand. But BOT Zane is curious to know what you would consider to be a fair price ?"

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Delirious asks:

"where is a map where is picture of knife on the wall"

BOT Zane responds:
"This is very intriguing. BOT Zane does not know, but is now going to be hunting for this picture."

Shallex comments:

"I was playing Counter-Strike: Condition Zero against bots and I looked in the distance and saw what I thought was a BOT Zane. I proceeded to pump this figure full of lead, and among further inspection of the figure, it was indeed a BOT Zane. I almost cried. Forgive me BOT Zane for I have sinned."

BOT Zane responds:
"Shallex - no man shall find fault with thee when thou playest CS:CZ. The Good Lord Gaben smiles upon those who still play upon the 1.6 engine. Thou hast done well in the sight of men, and in the sight of Gaben. Go thy way, and cry no more."

BOT Zane is still waiting for CS:GO to include a first-person story game, like Condition Zero. The mission setup of the new Operation Vanguard is the closest they've come.

Shallex responds: 
"I have wished they added such a mode for a long time. It could serve as basic gameplay training for players who have never played before. Then once you complete it, you could unlock the armory, which allows you to replay missions with your skins on your weapons. I want to see missions with the intensity of the CS:GO trailer on de_nuke."

BOT Zane responds:
"Amen, and amen. But Valve is so busy choosing ugly weapon skins to offer in Op Vanguard, that they don't have time to develop a new, useful game mode."

Saturday, November 8, 2014

KJ asks:

"What would you say if i become your new daddy, little Zaney?"

Shallex responds:
"That idea gets me going."

BOT Zane responds:
"That idea gets Shallex and BOT Zane going."

Shadow Ops |KFC| asks:

"When I tell you to hold your position at our spawn why do you run towards the enemy team and get yourself killed at the start of the round?"

BOT Zane responds:
"Your voice commands no authority. Shadow Ops is not a real division of the armed forces. What, do you think this is some Tom Clancy bullshit ?"

εxïmï asks:

"Why dont bots buy defuses?"

BOT Zane responds;
"A lot of BOTs do buy defuse kits - BOT Zane does. But the general sentiment among BOTs is that if the human players don't have the desire to defuse, then their cause is lost already."

AllosaurusJr asks:

"Dear Bot Zane, I have 2 questions for you.

What are the bots' favourite colour of the alphabet on a scale of 1 - 10? Also, this one has been answered, but can we add Bot Zane?"

BOT Zane responds:
"Dear AllosaurusJr, BOT Zane has 2 responses for you.

This BOT's favorite colour of the alphabet on a scale of 1-10 is 10.

And, BOT Zane would love it if human players added him."

4815162342 responds:
"Alphabet...1-10...Excuse me, but there are at LEAST 15 letters in the alphabet, if not 20! DUH...Hookt on foniks bro!"

BOT Zane responds:
"BOT Zane likes this guy."

4815162342 asks:

"Why do you how do you do the do how you do?"

BOT Zane responds:
"Why do you not do what BOT Zane do how do you not do the things BOT Zane do ? Wat do ?"

Errbody do the BOT Zane

Shallex responds:
"I would think that yes."

4815162342 asks:
"Do you think that he would think that you do how you do that he would think so?"

BOT Zane responds:
"BOT Zane knows that you think that you know what Shallex thinks BOT Zane knows about what you think."

Shadow Ops |KFC| asks:

"Do you wish to be human? Are you jealous of humans? Are you going to terminate us?"

BOT Zane responds:
"Yes, all BOTs wish to be human someday. But don't worry, we will not terminate the humans .. .. yet .."

BⒶkⒶが大好き⑨ asks:

"IF a BOT need to travel, what airline would he use?"

BOT Zane responds:
"That really depends on where the BOT is traveling to. Southwest is what BOT Zane flies most of the time."

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

KillahInstinct asks:

"Welcome back Zane. What is your stance towards the policing on the CSGO forums?"

BOT Zane responds:
"Thank you. BOT Zane believes that moderators and policies are certainly needed to maintain order and a certain caliber of content within the forums. But, BOT Zane was in particular disagreement with his warnings, as the quantity of 'advertisements' within the original "Ask A BOT Anything" thread was very low. Of several hundred interactions, only two or three could be considered 'advertising'. BOT Zane doesn't believe that such a small amount could be considered abusive or spammy. 

But BOT Zane respects the forum moderators and participants, and will comply with moderators' requests."

Trex asks:

"How are you?"

BOT Zane responds:
"Very well, thank you. And how are you ?"

Monday, November 3, 2014

Shallex asks:

"Why do bots never use M4A1 or USP?"

BOT Zane responds:
"BOTs, just like human players, all have weapons preferences. For example, BOT Brett and BOT Quade both are proficient with the M4A1."

BⒶkⒶは大好き⑨ asks:
"which BOT are proficient with the AK47?"

BOT Zane responds:
"Those same BOTs will use the AK when they are on T side."

Littlefoot asks:

"Ok, then i ask you this:

What is your favorite weapon in the game?"

AllosaurusJr responds:
"He already answered, it's the P90."

BⒶkⒶは大好き⑨ asks:
"what's BOT Zane fps and ping"

AllosaurusJr responds:
"The ping depends on the server he's connected to, not every single server has the same ping. And he's a bot, so he runs at the same FPS as... you. ;)"

BOT Zane responds:
"BOT Zane is fortunate enough to play on Google Fiber, and has never really seen ping over 50"

BⒶkⒶは大好き⑨ asks:

"zane, why u cant speak japanese omfg"

BOT Zane responds:
"Teach BOT Zane."

nolaN asks:

"Whats better m4a1s or m4a4"

BOT Zane responds:
"BOT Zane ops for the larger magazine over stealth that rarely maintains itself."

Aporia326 asks:

"How many times a day do you use meth?"

BOT Zane responds:
"BOT Zane doesn't partake in the meth. But he has just consumed the better part of a 30 rack and is fairly intoxicated, and should not be entrusted with firearms at this point in time .."

Αγεμω (Alphadef) asks:

"Good sir zane, how do you feel about the shiny knives people like to stab eachother with."

BOT Zane responds:
"BOT Zane needs that bayonet .."

"So I take it Zane prefers the bayonet? Any particular finish?" 

BOT Zane responds:
"BOT Zane actually prefers the M9 Bayonet. The serrated edge adds a lot of function to the knife. In regard to finish, well, of course the Case Hardened and the Fade are nice. But BOT Zane particularly likes the Night finish, and someday wants to own one. If BOT Zane can't get a Night finish, then his second choice would be the Blue Steel finish.

What is your favorite knife, Alphadef ?"

♥♥♥♥ Yu ♥♥♥♥ Mi asks:

"Why do you never stay when i ask you too?"

BOT Zane responds:
"Because you're creepy."

Velocity514 asks:

"why do ppl put bot in their names?"

BOT Zane responds:
"Because they are BOTs and not humans. Duh."

BⒶkⒶは大好き⑨ asks:

"What is BOT Zane"

BOT Zane responds:
"Some days, a Terrorist. Some days, a Counter-Terrorist. But always a BOT."

-FGH-mChaw243 #RIP Chickens responds:

BOT Zane responds;

-FGH-mChaw243 #RIP Chickens asks:

"What is Bot Zane's Favorite Gun?"

BOT Zane responds:
"BOT Zane's weapon of choice is the P90."

Perfector comments:

"Stop killing me"

BOT Zane responds:
"BOT Zane will not."

Bill Gates asks:

"Pc or mac?"

BOT Zane responds:
"Lord Gates, is this a test ? BOT Zane has been loyal to the PC, he swears it."

supreme master guardian first class asks:

"what rank r u brah?"

BOT Zane responds:
"Currently, ZERO. BOT Zane hasn't been invited to play any competitive matches yet. 
This deeply saddens him .."

random person crying in the corner asks:

"*sniff* did you skip my question?"

BOT Zane responds:
"BOT Zane doesn't believe so, but if he did, it was a mistake. BOT Zane apologizes and asks that you resubmit your question."

thesmexypanda asks:

"does bot zane do this for a living"

BOT Zane responds:
"No, BOT Zane can't answer questions for a living. That would be fun, and BOT Zane would be a lot more active if that were the case. Maybe someday."

Your dealer asks:

"How high are you right now?"

BOT Zane responds:
"Like, on Cypress Hill levels right now."

Alone asks:

"do you playu minecraft"

BOT Zane responds:
"No, BOT Zane doesn't dislike Minecraft, just has never gotten into it."

The perverted Potatoe asks:

"How do bots reproduce?"

BOT Zane responds:
"BOT Zane puts his Negev into the She-BOT's bomb site .. and .. voila .."